Sunday 28 June 2009

Another Level

With the furore over MPs expenses taking centre stage for the Telegraph for a matter of weeks now, those of us in the political sphere are understandably quite nervous about what is next. Expenses, per say, are an inevitable part of being a servant and spending money in the course of doing one's job, presumably though not by investing in skin products and other cosmetics.
The expenses of local councillors have not been similarly unboxed, because presumably they are not on the same scale. However, local councillors are quite costly workers considering that it is largely a part-time job dealing with hands on issues, and committees designed to engage the local community into civic transformation. I fear it will not be long before the expenses of this level of governance are unearthed, but what they spend their money on is the most interesting part. We know that MP is a full-time and variously demanding position. I do hope that the Commons will dedicate some time to reviewing whether soft touch expenses are acceptable, and if so address whether Parliament is to be commercial and leave access to luxuries open, transparent and be honest or close it down altogether. Either way, this will open up office to genuine careerists interested in their constituency or wealth seekers who are/ are not prepared to pull the stops out and we know how fragile political careers can be given the willingess of the press to rip the heart out of the Westmonster at crucial moments.
On a lighter note, it is delightful to see Somerset at the centre of the universe for a weekend, with the Glastonbury festival keeping the locals awake for a few days. Long live this wonderful festival and may I commend the excellent Neil Young and Bruce Springsteen as well as the effervescent Blur and Doves for bringing some cheer to our lives.

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