Thursday 12 June 2008

Ray of Light

Speculation over the legal black hole in Cuba has seemingly been scrutinised by the US Supreme Court in a landmark development. Famously, Guantanamo has operated to secure 'enemy combatants' without allowing them 'trial' or 'judicial review' of their status. The position of the detainees has remained a step away from 'prisoner of war', allowing the executive to act unrestrained. Indications of proportionate judicial scrutiny are good news for the legal community and for those opposed to this form of unrestrained; 'pure power'.

It remains to be seen-however-whether this represents a bona fide challenge- allowing for lasting examination of each case in detail.


Salt content in foods such as bread must be reduced to foster a healthier British workforce. For those that enjoy toasted treats, bread forms a core part of their diet-and you may find-that local bakeries have products with the highest salt content. Not only is this contributing to heart problems- but it also adds to fatigue, digestive inefficiency and poor concentration.

I find that through testing the salt content of various bread products and my general well-being-I can ascertain the greatest culprits- the stinking salt-infested slabs that leave my eyes stinging through salt saturation.

The best solution, surely, must be to bake bread at home and then you can truly regulate ingredients content: I for sure, will be giving this a try and will hopefully notice the difference.